Adding an Opportunity Stage to the stage list is something you’ll likely do a lot as a new admin. This is fairly simple and straightforward however you can run into some hiccups.
Opportunity stages are meant to show at a glance where a deal is in the process of being won.
Many companies choose to have different milestones associated with each step in the stage process.
For example, to be in the proposal stage, a proposal needs to be sent to the client.
Or for the needs analysis, you need to have a meeting on what problem you’re going to solve for the client.
For a newer salesforce org, you may need to complete the opportunity stage a few times to fine-tune what the process is for the company.
Youtube Video
A quick note before moving on. I do have a video on adding a new opportunity stage if that’s more your jam than reading a blog post.
I will leave it here but would love to have you subscript to the over 6,000 people over there (at the time of writing this post).
So if you are unfamiliar with opportunity stages I will leave a screenshot down below of what it is. They are a small ribbon beneath the name of the opportunity.
This shows you at a glance what stage or place in the pipeline the opportunity is. The opportunity here is in the prospecting stage which is the first stage in the process.
Now let’s jump into the setup and go to the opportunity object to create a new stage.
If you click on the gear in the top right corner you can go to set up. I chose to go to the edit object, and this helps save a little time and will take you to the current object you’re on.
From that object go to fields and relationships then look for the stage field. Here you can see the metadata that is on the stage.
If you keep scrolling down you will be able to see the picklist values that are for this stage field.
Click the new button to create a new stage.
Here you’ll need to enter in some information about the field. I labeled it demo, had a probability of 35%, open type, and pipeline as a forecast category.
Then I hit save.
Here if we refresh the opportunity, you’ll see that new activated demo stage! yay!
However, it’s not in the right place. Let’s go back to the list of picklist values.
Here are the buttons. Click reorder to move these stages around.
Select the stage you want to move and hit either the up or down buttons to move its position.
Then hit save!
Now if we go back to our opportunity, you can see the stage in the correct spot that we moved it to! 🙂
And that is it! I hope you found this helpful! 🙂
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