google analytics 4 salesforce site

Add Google Analytics 4 to your Salesforce Experience Site

Adding Google Analytics to your salesforce experience site can be a really power tool to gather insight into your company’s health.

This helps to show the details about how many people are landing on your site, how they are navigating around the site and so many other powerful KPIs!

Google Analytics is also the gold standard for digital insights so it is a great way to collect information!

One thing to note before we get too far into this tutorial. This is a lot easier when you complete it in multiple tabs!

Youtube Video

Before we jump too far into the post I want to mention that there is a corresponding youtube video on the Salesforce Emily youtube channel.

I will embed that here but keep scrolling to get to the good stuff!

Step-by-Step Tutorial

The first thing you’ll need to do is head to setup.

To get there click on the gear icon in the top right corner and click setup.

salesforce setup

Then in the quick find search for and click on all sites.

all sites

This will take you to a list of all of your digital experiences.

In whichever experience you would like to enable google analytics for, click on the builder next to its name.

Note: Not all experiences will allow for google analytics. This depends on the type of site you have created.

digital experiences

Once in the builder, click on the gear icon on the left side of the screen.


Then click on the integrations tab.

experiences integrations

Once in integrations, you should see a google analytics 4 integration.

Click on add to site.

google analytics 4 integrations

This will bring a pop up where you can toggle to enable and enter in your tracking ID.

google analytics 4 integrations

Now go to your google analytics and find your web stream details.

In this tab of google analytics you will be able to grab your measurement ID

These two have two different names but this is the correct name of the ID you need to grab.

Copy this ID.

grab id

Then back in your integrations paste the measurement ID from google into the tracking ID slot and click save.

add google analytics id

Then refresh, navigate back to integrations and you should see the green enabled button under google analytics 4!

enabled expereinces


A big congrats to you for making it through this blog post! We hope you found it useful!

Check out the Salesforce Emily youtube channel here.

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