Big Deal Alerts in Salesforce

Salesforce is constantly updating its features. However, we still have some of the older tools that have not been removed from the system.

Big Deal Alerts are one of these older features that have not been phased out. With (at this time of writing) there’s no plan to remove them.

So what are these Big Deal Alerts?

Video recap

Before getting too far in this post I want to plug my youtube video that is on this topic!

What is a big deal alert?

The big deal alert is a way to send an email notification to upper management if and when a high amount and probability has reached a threshold.

This threshold is going to be a combination of both an amount, such as 100,000, and a certain probability such as 60%.

From there the sender is set up. This is who the email will show it has been sent from. This will need to be set up prior to starting the new deal alert process.

Next, the notification emails will need to be set up. This is who the alert will be sent to. Likely a VP of Sales, a manager, you have the option of adding the opportunity owner.

Now that we have covered the basics let’s dive into the weeds a bit.

Alert Name

Note: Any field with a red indicator next to it will be required.

There are two different items that need attention in the alert name section of the big deal alert.

The first will be the alert name. Be sure to name this carefully to indicate easily what this is intended for.

Also, you can have more than one alert. So you could have one for each 100,000 mark from 100k to 900k and each bracket will notify different people based on the amount and probability.

The next item is the active checkbox. So if it is active and the alert has been saved, you’ll see this automation work once it has been triggered.


The next category of fields to fill out is the threshold.

This will include the trigger amount as well as the trigger probability.

Note: there is an AND function here. Meaning both will need to evaluate to be true to fire the alert.

Here I had input 100k for the trigger amount and 60% for the trigger probability.

So any new deal that has an amount of at least 100k and a probability of at least 60% will fire the alert.


The next section is the sender section. This will include the sender’s name, sender email, and user. These fields are all required.

The email will need to be set up beforehand as an organization-wide email address. This will take you through a series of verifications.

Any emails sent from this trigger will have the sender name, email, and user.


Finally, we have the recipients portion of the big deal alerts.

So the first and only required field is the notification emails. Meaning, those who need to be notified of our big deal alert.

Then you have the option to CC and BCC others on the big deal alert email.

Finally, you can toggle the notify the opportunity owner.


And those are the basics of the big deal alerts! This is a pretty simple tool that can be used in place of a workflow rule or a flow.

Big congrats to you for making it through this tutorial!

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