Company Settings in Salesforce

When you first dive into setting up salesforce for your org, you’ll need to start in the company profile. This is the home for a lot of different aspects specific for your business. In salesforce classic this is in the setup side bar. See below: 

Under the company profile, you have six different tabs. Company information, Fiscal Year, Business Hours, Holidays, Language Settings, and Data Protection and Privacy. 

Company Information

Let’s dive into each of these specifically. A lot of people confuse company profile and company information. The profile is really an overview of the company that is home to the information. Like a social media or networking profile it houses information. 

Within the company information, the first part listed is the organization detail where you can find phone, fax, contact, locale, currency, data storage, etc. Really this part holds anything pertinent to the general information you’d find about a company on a google search page. You also find internal information about data storage and SF editions. 

Under the org details, you find the different licenses available to you in your org.

  • User Licenses: A basic license that allows access to a user 
  • Permission Set Licenses: Additional permissions added to a user license to grant access to more functionalities of salesforce 
  • Feature Licenses: These give access to an additional feature of salesforce such as marketing, knowledge, or flows

Fiscal Year

Each company has different needs according to their fiscal year. You can customize this option in a few different ways. If you follow a 12 month calendar with in your business, you can use the standard fiscal year regardless of which month you start in. You also have the option to choose where it’s based on (start of month or end of month). 

If your business does not follow a standard year then you’d choose the custom fiscal year. Like if your fiscal year started on the 15 of a month and had a period every month on the 15th. Although, once you enable the custom fiscal year you will not be able to change back to a standard fiscal year. Somethings to be aware of when changing over to a custom fiscal year is the effect it has on forecasting, reports, and other objects connected to the calendar. 

Additional Information can be found here:

Business Hours 

Business hours are incredibly helpful when it comes to time based work flows and often times employees work life balance. The default is set in every org to have the business open 24/7. Although you could set this to mirror your own work yours. If your office is open from 7am -5pm Monday-Friday you can set this schedule. You can also set the company default time zone to ensure salesforce is working when you need it. 

Employees have a set of business hours they can work with in on their profile, you can set this to the business hours if you only want your employees or certain employees logging in during work hours. This could also effect time based work flows, if you want a task to follow up on an account set in three business days it will not count the time over the weekend if set to the correct time. 


Hollidays are pretty self explanatory and work similar to business hours. Hollidays could be things like Christmas, New Years, or maintenance days where you don’t want certain employees or all employees to log in or have your business flows running. 

Language Preferences

Language preferences are also somewhat self explanatory. You can enable different languages that are used in your org. You must set a defualt language for your company, however this can be personalized for each user with in their settings.

One thing to be aware of with in the language settings, is that not every will be automatically translated. Places and articles with in help and setup will not be translated automatically.

Data Protection and Privacy 

When enabled this tab allows salesforce to store customers’ data privacy preferences when it comes to the lead, contact, and person account object

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