Product Options in Salesforce

Create Product Option in Salesforce CPQ

Salesforce CPQ stands for Configure, Price, Quote. It is the system within Salesforce that deals with a company’s different products.

Within products, you can create different functions based on your product’s needs.

For example, you can create product options and product features. Options would be items such as size or color. Features would be things such as adding more storage to a product.

Now there are many other things that you can do with CPQ but those are some of the basics.

Let’s jump into creating product options.

Navigating to the Product

First, go to the Salesforce CPQ app within Salesforce.

Then, navigate to the Products tab and click.

Next, go the speicific product you would like to set the option for.

Then go to the related tab on the record page for the product.

Finally, navigate to the options related list and click the new button.

Setting up the Option Information

Now that we are on the option we will need to fill out the specifics when it comes to the option information.

Let’s run through what all of these mean:

Optional SKU – Stock Keeping Unit which is optional here. Helps with tracking the different items you have in inventory.

Number – Determines how this product option is ordered relative to other product options in the parent product record’s related list.

Select – Determines if this product will be a part of the bundle by default.

Required – Determines if this product is a required part of the bundle.

Quantity – Determines the amount of the product that will be in the bundle.

Quantity Editable – Detirmes if you can change the quantity of the product in the bundle.

Min Quantity – If editable, this determines the minimum amount of the product to be included in the bundle.

Max Quantity – If editable, determines the maximum amount of the product included in the bundle.

Configured SKU – A lookup to the product that includes this option. This field is completed automatically if you created this feature from the bundle product’s detail page.

Feature – The feature that includes this option. This process depends on the configured SKU.

Type – This allows you to choose the type of product that is being put into the bundle.

Quote Line Visibility – Hides this product option’s quote lines in quote documents, the quote line editor, or both. When this field’s value is Never or Document Only, quote lines created from the product option are numbered starting at 3000.

Product Option Pricing

Now let’s run through what all of these mean:

Bundled – Indicate that this product is bundled with a parent product. Bundled option prices are included in the bundle parent’s price, so they have a fixed quantity, can’t be discounted, and have a price of zero. Leave this field deselected if users manually add a price to their option.

Discount % – A percentage discount that applies to your configured SKU only when it’s part of a bundle.

Unit Price – This is the price for the bundle and overrides the price book price.

Discount Amount – An amount-based discount that applies to your configured SKU only when it’s part of a bundle.

Percent of Total Scope – This is a picklist field that gives context to how much this product is covered in the bundle.

Discount Schedule – This provides a discount based upon factors of volume or amount of product.

Discounted By Package – If the bundle parent has a percentage-based Additional Discount, Salesforce CPQ also applies it to quote lines generated from this product option.

Uplifted By Package – If this product option has a configured SKU with price dimensions, the resulting quote line inherits the Uplift or Uplift (Amt) value from the bundle parent’s quote line.

Default Pricing Table – Determines whether quote lines for MDQ product options appear in the quote line editor’s Standard or Segmented pricing table.


Then, you’ll need to hit save and the product option is ready for use!


I hope that you found this tutorial helpful! This is the bread and butter for Salesforce CPQ. If you have any questions be sure to comment on them! Thanks.

Big congrats to you for making it through this tutorial!

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