opportunity teams salesforce

Enable Opportunity Teams

Salesforce opportunity teams are a powerful feature that allow individuals and teams to work collaboratively on sales opportunities within the Salesforce platform.

Essentially, opportunity teams provide a way to assign specific roles and responsibilities to different team members, ensuring that everyone is working together to close deals and achieve their sales goals.

In Salesforce, opportunities are the records that represent potential sales deals. An opportunity team is a group of users who are assigned specific roles and responsibilities for a particular opportunity.

For example, one team member might be responsible for generating leads, while another might be responsible for managing the sales process. By assigning specific roles to team members, everyone knows exactly what they need to do to contribute to the success of the opportunity.

The benefits of using Salesforce opportunity teams are numerous.

First, opportunity teams help to ensure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to the sales process. By clearly defining roles and responsibilities, there is less confusion about who is doing what, which can help to avoid misunderstandings and mistakes.

Second, opportunity teams allow for more efficient collaboration, as team members can work together to move opportunities through the sales pipeline.

Finally, opportunity teams can improve accountability, as each team member is responsible for their assigned tasks and can be held accountable for their performance.

Overall, Salesforce opportunity teams are a powerful tool for improving collaboration, efficiency, and accountability in the sales process. By assigning specific roles and responsibilities to team members, everyone knows exactly what they need to do to contribute to the success of the opportunity.

Youtube Video

With that being said, I want to mention we have a video on how to enable opportunity teams. This is on the Salesforce Emily youtube channel.

The tutorial is embedded, keep scrolling to see the step-by-step tutorial!

Step-by-Step Tutorial

First head to setup in the top right corner in salesforce.

Next, in the quick find search for opportunity team settings.

opportunity team settings

Once in opportunity team settings click on enable team selling and hit save.

enable team selling

Then it will direct you to page layout selection.

Personally, I like to have opportunity teams on all page layouts but select what’s right for your scenario.

Then click save.

add to page layout

Finally, look at the front end of your opportunities to double check!

opportunity team related list


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