The Salesforce Platform App Builder Certification is often classified as the bridge between admin and developer in the Salesforce certification world.
It goes into more detail on the data and security model of salesforce than admin. However, is not very heavy in code like the developer 1 and developer 2 certifications.
This certification is more about understanding the line between an admin task/build and when to bring a developer in. From the standpoint of the admin.
While this certification covers some things that are also covered by the admin certification I wouldn’t say that they are too similar.
The admin certification bounces around between a lot of different admin functionality. Whereas the app builder cert goes into the niche details of the data model, security model, automation, and reporting!
Youtube Video
Before we jump too far into the post I want to mention that there is a corresponding youtube video on the Salesforce Emily youtube channel.
I will embed that here but keep scrolling to get to the good stuff!
Overview of the Salesforce App Builder Certification
Now let’s jump into more of the details of the App Builder Exam.
This exam is often the second or third certification that professionals get after associate and admin. Which I think is a great succession of certs.
The lines that are drawn for the salesforce professional between admin and developer are really clear and will help them everyday in their salesforce career.
Lets break down some quick stats on the certification:
- $200 initial exam fee; $100 retakes
- No Prerequisites
- 60-65 total questions
- Timed: 1 hour 45 minutes to complete
- Online or Onsite proctoring is available
- Passing score: 63%
There are five sections on this exam, let’s break them down!
Salesforce Fundamentals 23%
This section mostly covers the basics of the sharing model, using app exchange, and which features can be used to customize the mobile app. A lot of this section is also covered on the admin exam.
Data Modeling and Management 22%
This section covers a lot of the nitty-gritty details of objects, object relationships, and customizing objects. It’s crucial to understand the differences between the master-detail relationship and the lookup relationship.
Business Logic and Process Automation 28%
This next section is the largest section on the exam. While there have been recent changes to the salesforce platform as a whole those changes haven’t been made to the exam just yet. You might still see some questions mention workflow rules and the process builder.
User Interface 17%
This section covers different parts of the lightning user interface. This includes custom buttons, links, and actions. As well as customizing lighting pages with different components available.
App Deployment 10%
This section covers the intersection between the application lifecycle and the deployment tools Salesforce natively has. This includes things like which sandboxes match up to the development stages and what purpose they are used for.
My Background when Taking the Salesforce Platform App Builder Certification
One thing that I’ve always found beneficial when looking at these types of blog posts or youtube videos is understanding where the person giving the advice was at in their understanding when taking the exam.
A person with decades of work experience in the field will see this exam very differently from someone who is just at the beginning of their career!
This way you can understand where my advice is coming from and gauge where you are in comparison to my experience!
At the time of taking this exam I had been working on the salesforce platform for about 5 years.
First, as an end user/receptionist for 4 years then working in an administration role full-time for around six months at my first two attempts at taking this exam.
Those first two attempts were both fails. Then, I took a year off to complete my masters while working part-time in administration.
After my masters, I studied an additional 3 months while working part-time and was able to pass on the third try!
Resources I Used to Pass the Salesforce App Builder Certification
Next, let’s jump into the resources I used for passing this exam!
When I took this exam I wasn’t super into looking for good resources. I 100% thought I could take this exam just on experience and pass with little to no study.
I was so wrong!
Please use resources that will help you learn what you need to in order to pass!
The first resource I used was the study guide (free) to understand the logistics and the basics of what would possibly be covered on the exam.
The next resource I used was the official trailmix (free). I recommend going through the whole trailmix to get the most out of the resource. Personally, I didn’t go through the whole thing and I regret not doing that.
Note: I recommend using the natural reader Chrome extension (free with paid options) to help with comprehension. For me, it’s a lot easier to listen than to read to documentation so this tool is a really fantastic one!
Then I used a study guide provided by my workplace at the time. Unfortunately, I don’t have that guide anymore.
Finally, I used the focus on force (paid) practice exams. These were a game changer for my study. Being able to see documentation on why I passed or failed a question was really valuable!
Additional Resources to pass the Salesforce App Builder Certification
Now that some time has passed there are a lot more resources available!
Here are some of my favorites!
First is the course I created (paid) after not having a great resource out there.
Also, I have a mini-course on youtube (free) that covers some of the most important concepts needed to be able to pass!
Another resource I created was a playlist on youtube (free) that covers individual topics you may find on the exam. I am always adding to this playlist!
If you’re looking for additional practice exams SFBen has some free ones to help you gauge your readiness for the official certification exam.
Finally, another blogger has some great notes (free) that can help you get a look into a lot of the different concepts that you will be tested on!
My Thoughts on the Salesforce App Builder Exam
Now that we’ve gone over the resources that could be used to pass the exam let’s go over some of my thoughts on the exam.
There isn’t a lot that I can say beyond what has already been said about this exam and what it does for your career.
The Salesforce app builder certification has a pretty stable place in the certification system.
It is a great certification to get to understand the lines between admin work and developer work.
This certification is also really awesome if you’re wanting to explore or dive into the developer world.
Regardless, it is a great 3rd or 4th certification to get when entering the ecosystem!
A big congrats to you for making it through this blog post! We hope you found it useful!
Check out the Salesforce Emily youtube channel here.
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