currency field salesforce

How to Create a Currency Field

currency field salesforce

Creating a currency field is a fairly simple process. This field should be used to showcase any type of currency that is needed.

This could include a projected amount, actual amount, ARR, MRR, etc.

A quick note if you have multiple currencies enabled, you should be able to see the currency in your default currency.

Although the accuracy of that exchange rate is highly dependent upon how often that exchange rate is being updated. It might be good to check how that’s being updated if it is being updated.

Youtube Video

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I will drop a youtube video below for you if that is easier for you to watch than to read a blog post.


So now let’s jump into the step by step tutorial on how to create a currency field.

First make sure that you are on the setup portion of the salesforce instance that you are in.

Then from there, jump into the object manager. That’s next to the home button.

object manager

Then, after you have made it to the object manager select the object you wish to create the new currency field with.

Here I selected the account object.

select object

Then, go to fields and relationships which will show you all the fields on the object you selected.

fields & relationships

On that same page in the top right corner select the ‘new’ button.

new field

Then it will ask you to select the data type or field type for your new field.

Select currency and hit next.

currency field type

After that, you’ll be asked to enter in all of the metadata pertaining to the field.

Metadata is just a fancy term for things like field label, length, description, help text, etc.

So enter in this information and hit next.

currency metadata

Then you’ll add the field-level security, which is essentially who can see this new field and who can edit this new field. Hit next.

After that, you will add it to the various page layouts. Then hit save.

add to page layout

Congratulations!!! You have created a currency field!


A big congrats to you for making it through this tutorial! We hope you found it useful!

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