new date time field salesforce

How to Create a Date/Time Field in Salesforce

new date time field salesforce

The Date/Time field in salesforce is a great tool when you need to capture both date and time.

In practice, this looks like a lot of next-meeting fields or last-meeting fields.

It is pretty straightforward when you get into creating the field and the use cases are far and few between.

Youtube Video

One thing to note here before getting into the tutorial, we do have a video on how to create this field on the salesforce emily youtube channel!

Sometimes it is a bit easier to watch someone perform a task rather than to try and follow along with a blog post.

Step by Step

The first thing you will need to do is get to the setup portion of salesforce.

To do this click on the gear icon in the top right corner of salesforce then select setup.

From there click on the object manager.

object manager

Then select the object that you wish to create this new field for.

I selected account.

object manger account

Click on fields and relatoinships. This will take you to see all of current fields on the object.

fields and relationships

Click on the new button to create the new field.

new field

Select the Date/Time field type.

date time field type

Click next and you will be asked to enter in the metadata this is mostly going to be the naming conventions.

field metadata

Click next and set the field level security to allow or disallow certain actions on the field.

Hit next and select the page layouts that you wish for this new field to be apart of.

Click save and you have created your very own Date/Time field in salesforce.


A big congrats to you for making it through this tutorial! We hope you found it useful!

Check out the salesforce Emily youtube channel here.

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