new field set

How to Create a Field Set in Salesforce

new field set

The field set in salesforce is a great tool to combine a few fields into a grouping that can later be used in Apex triggers and in the growingly outdated visualforce.

These are pretty easy to set up once you know where you are going in the salesforce org.

Youtube Video

One thing to note before we get too far into this blog post. We have a youtube video on how to do this on the Salesforce Emily youtube channel.

Sometimes it is easier to watch someone perform a task rather than to try and follow along with a blog post.

Step By Step Tutorial

The first thing that you will need to do is get to the setup part of salesforce.

To get there click on the gear icon in the top right corner of salesforce and click setup.

From setup click on the object manager.

object manager

This will take you to the full list of objects in the current salesforce org.

Click on the object that you wish to create this new field set for.

From the object click on the field sets tab.

field sets

Once on the tab then click new.

new field set

You will need to start off by entering in the metadata.

Which for this set will be the label, api name, and where this field will be used.

Click save.

new field set metadata

You will then be dragging and dropping the fields from the object into the ones available to the field set.

drag and drop

Then once they are in the available for the field set bucket you can drag and drop them to be in the field set on the right side of the two buckets.

in the field set

Once done click save and you have created your very own field set!


A big congrats to you for making it through this tutorial! We hope you found it useful!

Check out the salesforce Emily youtube channel here.

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