How to Create a New Custom Report Type in Salesforce

Today we’re going to be going over how to create a new custom report type within a salesforce.

Before getting in too deep, I do feel like I need to explain the difference between a report type and a report format.

A report type is the different objects or the different groups of data that you choose at the very beginning when you are creating a report.

Report formats are the different ways that you manipulate data within the report type.

Report formats come in 4 different format options. Tabular, Summary, Matrix, and Joined.

Creating Report Types

Let’s go into the back end of salesforce and create the new report type.

Click the cog in the upper right hand corner.

In the quick find search for ‘report type’.

Double click.

If you are familiar with inner joints and outer joins this is essentially what you’ll be creating especially if you use multiple objects. You can also choose the different fields that you want to display in the report types.

This will dictate the different fields that you have access to report on later on when you are building out your report.

I believe you can have different custom report types based on the relationships that you have. So master-detail and lookup relationships as an example.

Click continue and we can jump into creating a custom report type.

From here we’re going to select our primary object I’m going to select accounts the reason being accounts is like the central hub for all other objects within salesforce pretty much everything else relates back to accounts.

I’m going to say accounts example for the name of the report type.

You’ll need to add a description and the API name will be auto-populated.

Select a category to store it in. This is perfect for the accounts and contacts category.

Then choose the deployment phase. So you can choose in-development so then you won’t be able to access it or if it’s deployed.

A thing to note here is that if you are working in a larger org you’ll this to be in development so then people don’t have access when they are creating reports for their own personal use.

Although, if you are working at night and you are at a smaller company then you could choose deployed if you know it won’t be accessed at all.

So now we have our primary object we can go in and select more fields possibly that we wanted to include later.

This includes other related objects.

Let’s go ahead and jump into another related object.

So I want to add let’s add cases this one would be really interesting why you’d possibly want to have accounts with cases is to be able to report on possibly retention rates for our customers.

You would add those fields and hits save.

That is essentially how you create a custom report type in salesforce.

Using the Report Type

I’m going to go back to my reports tab. And click new report.

Choose the report type that you created. For me that’s “account’s example”.

Click continue and now you should be able to see the joins you’ve made and the extra fields you’ve included!


Big congrats to you for making it through this tutorial!

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