image field salesforce

How to Create an Image Field in Salesforce

The image field in salesforce is not always called an image field. In the back end of salesforce, this is called a rich text field.

This field can handle text and images so it is a great place to have for any images that might come up in your salesforce org.

This image field is used in practice to show images of customers, leads, employees, etc.. Also can be used in a field service scenario when you need to show a broken product.

Youtube Video

One thing to mention before we get too far into this blog post. We have a youtube video on the salesforce emily youtube channel.

Sometimes it is easier to watch a youtube video than try to follow a blog post.

Step By Step

The first thing we need to do is get to the setup of salesforce.

To do this click on the gear icon in the top right corner of salesforce and select setup.

From there click the object manager.

object manager salesforce

When you are on the object manager select the object that you wish to create this new field for.

Then select fields and relationships.

fields and relationships

This will bring up a list of all the fields that are on the object you selected.

Click new to create a new field.

new field button

To create the image field you will need to select Text Area (Rich) this field allows you input an image.

text area rich salesforce

Click next and you will need to enter in the metadata for this field.

This is mostly going to be the naming convention.

field metadata salesforce

Click next and set the field level security. This allows you to permit some changes to the field based upon the profile.

Click next and select which page layouts you would like this field to be on.

Click save and you have created your very own image field in salesforce!


A big congrats to you for making it through this tutorial! We hope you found it useful!

Check out the salesforce Emily youtube channel here.

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