forecasts in salesforce

Set up Forecasts in Salesforce

forecasts in salesforce

The forecast feature in salesforce is a really awesome way to show how your sales pipeline is forming and performing for the next few quarters.

This allows you to take a peak into the future of your company’s revenue!

Additionally, this allows your company to plan for future hires, future expenses, future fundraising, and tax mitigation.

Youtube Video

One quick note before we get too far into this tutorial. We have a youtube video on forecasts on the Salesforce Emily youtube channel.

Sometimes it is easier to watch someone set up forecasts rather than to follow along with a blog post.

Step By Step Setup Forecasts

The first thing you will need to do is go the setup section of salesforce.

To do this you will need to click on the gear icon in the top right corner of salesforce and then click setup.

salesforce setup

From there go to the quick find and type in ‘forecasts’.

Click on forecast settings.

salesforce forecast

From there you will need to check the enable forecasts box and click save.

forecast settings

This will take you to setup the forecast type.

The default type will be opportunity revenue and you can have up to 4 types.

forecast type

If you’ve added another forecast type then you will need to choose a few settings.

First will be opportunity or product.

Then select the measurement. Revenue is great for opportunities and quantity is great for products.

Then select a forecast date type and the previous two selections should help guide this.

forecast measurement

You may have a few more settings to answer.

Then you’ll need to select which fields you want to show in your forecast. You will be able to move these up and down to place where you’d like.

fields for opportunity

forecast adjustments

Next, decide if you want to enable forecast rollups.

cumulative forecast rollups

Finally, configure the default forecast display and click save!

configure default forecast display

Once saved you would be able to go back to the app side of salesforce and find the forecast tab/object.

Go there and the forecasts should be ready to rock and roll!

forecast salesforce


A big congrats to you for making it through this tutorial! We hope you found it useful!

Check out the salesforce Emily youtube channel here.

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