sharing rules in salesforce

Sharing Rules in Salesforce

sharing rules in salesforce

Sharing Rules in Salesforce are a great way to share records between groups of users who typically wouldn’t have access.

This is used in scenarios where there is a logical way to share in an ‘if, then’ format.

Let’s explain this through an example.

You have Sales reps who sell all types of products. There are blue, red, and green products. Each product has a team associated with is of experts.

You can set up a sharing rule to automatically share the opportunity with the correct team based on which product it is.

Youtube Video

One quick thing to note before we get too far into the blog post.

We have a video on sharing rules on the salesforce emily youtube channel.

Sometimes it is easier to watch someone perform a task rather than to try and follow along with a blog post.

Step by Step

The first thing you will need to do is go to the setup section of salesforce.

To get there click on the gear icon in the top right corner and click setup.

From there go to the quick find and type sharing.

Click on Sharing Settings

sharing settings

When you are in sharing settings scroll down till you see the object that you wish to create the sharing rule for.

Then click new.

new sharing rule

Step 1: Rule Name

This is the rule label and name which are required. Also a description.

Step 2: Select the Rule Type.

This is either based upon who owns the record who based on criteria.

Choose whichever one fits the scenario.

Step 3: Select which records to be shared

It will be which owners if this is based on ownership or it will be a criteria if this is for criteria.

Step 4: Select the Users to share with

These are who will benefit from the access. In our above scenario it would be the product team.

Step 5: Select the level of access for the users

This will be read, read/write types of access.

When completed hit save.

sharing rule meta data

Example of a completed ownership-based sharing rule:

account sharing rule

Once you hit save you should be able to see the completed sharing rule!

account sharing rule

Don’t forget to test this out for any bugs!


A big congrats to you for making it through this tutorial! We hope you found it useful!

Check out the salesforce Emily youtube channel here.

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