report charts

Create Report Charts in Salesforce

Report Charts in Salesforce are a powerful tool that allows users to transform data from their reports into visual representations, such as bar charts, pie charts, line graphs, and more.

These visualizations bring data to life, making it easier to understand trends, identify patterns, and communicate insights effectively. Whether you’re tracking sales performance, monitoring customer service metrics, or evaluating marketing campaign results, Report Charts enable you to convey complex information in a digestible format.

In this guide, we will explore the world of Report Charts in Salesforce, covering their significance, creation, customization, and best practices for utilization. You’ll learn how to add charts to your reports, select the right chart type for your data, format and customize chart elements, and interpret the insights they provide.

Whether you’re a Salesforce administrator, a business analyst, or a user looking to enhance your reporting skills, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and techniques needed to leverage Report Charts effectively within your Salesforce environment.

Youtube Video

Before we jump too far into the post I want to mention that there is a corresponding youtube video on the Salesforce Emily youtube channel.

I will embed that here but keep scrolling to get to the good stuff!

Step-by-Step Tutorial

The first thing you’ll need to do is head into reports.


Once in reports, either create a new report or head into an already created report.

Here I am going into an already-created report.

select report

Next, you’ll need to make sure there is at least one grouping in your report.

This helps the chart to know by which field to create the different sections of data in the chart.

Below in the screenshot you can see we grouped the report by the stage.


Once you have report set with the grouping, you can click add chart and set up the chart settings.

add chart

This will bring up a bar chat.

bar chart

You can click on the gear icon and change the chart type and the different settings.

chart types

Here we’ve changed to a donut chart, but feel free to change the chart to make it right for your scenario!

donut chart


A big congrats to you for making it through this blog post! We hope you found it useful!

Check out the Salesforce Emily YouTube channel here.

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