salesforce survey data mapping

Create a Data Mapping in Salesforce Surveys

Data Mapping in Salesforce Surveys is a really powerful tool when collecting data from your customers. It can help your data in incredible ways!

The main point when it comes to data mapping is being able to create new records from your survey, update existing records, or creating a custom notification.

These are all really fantastic uses and have endless possibilities for gathering feedback from your users!

One thing to note before we get too far into the tutorial, you do need to have the feedback management license.

You also need to have surveys enabled and the salesforce surveys advanced features permission assigned to the user who will be using this function.

In the post we will show you how to enable that license and then how to use and setup data mapping in surveys.

Youtube Video

Before we jump too far into the post I want to mention that there is a corresponding youtube video on the Salesforce Emily youtube channel.

I will embed that here but keep scrolling to get to the good stuff!

Enable Surveys Advanced Features

The first thing you’ll need to do is head to setup.

To get there click on the gear icon in the top right corner.


When in setup search for surveys and select ‘Survey settings’.

survey settings

Then you will need to toggle on surveys in order to enable it.

enable surveys

Once you’ve enabled surveys search again in the quick find for permission sets.

permission sets

Once in the permission set create a new permission set.

This permission set will be used to assign advanced features to a user.

create new permission set

Once you’ve saved the initial label and description for the permission set, search for “Salesforce Surveys Advanced Features”.

Click edit and click the check box next to the “Salesforce Surveys Advanced Features” box.

enable surveys advanced features

Click save and confirm the changes to the permission set.

save permission set

Next you will need to add assignments to this permission set, or add your users to this setting.

Click Add Assignments.

add assignments

Then choose which users you would like to assign this permission set to.

add users

Click Assign and choose if this permission set will have an expiration or not.

Once assigned, go ahead and verify that you have these advanced features ready to use!

Setting up the Data Mapping

To create the data mapping you’ll first need to go to the surveys object in salesforce.

In the app launcher search and click on surveys.

salesforce surveys

Then once in surveys either create a new survey or edit an existing one.

edit survey

Next, add a new page to your survey.

new survey page

Then select new question and the question type.

Here I selected the “like or dislike” question and then turned it into a yes-no format.

new survey question

Then enter in the question you would like to ask.

ask survey question

Next go to advanced settings then select survey data mapping.

select survey data mapping

Once in data mapping click new mapping.

create new data mapping

This will allow you to start your map.

Enter the name of your new mapping then the action type of your new mapping.

Here I chose to create a record.

create new record surveys

Then select your target object or the object that you will be linking with the survey.

In the example, I chose the opportunity object.

select target object salesforce surveys

Next scroll down to choose the condition type.

Here I chose to only when conditions are met.

enter in conditions

Then if you do have it based upon conditions, set those conditions.

Here in my scenario, I set this mapping to only create a new record when the participant answers yes to the question we created earlier.

conditions for data mapping

Finally, define the target object fields and values.

So in my scenario, when conditions are met, a new opportunity will be created.

Here in the value mapping we created a close date, the new opportunity name, the stage of the opportunity, and have added a description.

enter in data mapping

Then click save and you can activate your survey to see your data mapping at work!


A big congrats to you for making it through this blog post! We hope you found it useful!

Check out the Salesforce Emily youtube channel here.

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