percent field salesforce

How to Create a Percent Field

percent field salesforce

The percent field is a great field to use when the number field is not sufficient and you need to show some type of percentage.

This field is easily mistaken for the formula field. So when trying to determine if this field is right for you to use be sure to know where this information will be coming from before creating the field.

If you are going to use the percent field to house a user input percent than this is the correct use.

If you are looking to use other fields to have the end result field as a percent then try looking at creating a formula field.

Youtube Video

One more thing to mention before we get too far into this blog post. We have a youtube video on how to create this field on the salesforce Emily youtube channel.

Sometimes it is easier to watch someone perform a task rather than to try and follow along with a blog post.

Step by Step

The first thing you will need to do is to get to the setup portion of salesforce.

To get there you will need to click on the gear icon in the top right corner of salesforce and then click setup.

In setup click on the object manager.

object manager

The object manager will show you the full list of objects that are currently in your salesforce org.

Click on the object that you wish to have this new field on .

object manager salesforce

From that object click on the fields and relationships tab.

fields and relationships

Then click new to create the new field.

Then select the percent field type and click next.

field types salesforce

This will bring you to where you need to setup the field-level security. This allows or disallows the users to perform certain functions based upon their profiles.

Click next and you will select which page layouts you would like this new field to be on.

Click save and you have created your very own percent field in salesforce!


A big congrats to you for making it through this tutorial! We hope you found it useful!

Check out the salesforce Emily youtube channel here.

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