The phone field in salesforce is typically used whenever you need to store a phone number.
This helps you and other users with the formatting of the phone number and standardizing that formating.
As well as when you click on the phone number you are given the option to call that number. This saves a lot of time.
The phone field is especially useful when using the Salesforce mobile app.
Youtube Video
One thing I want to mention before we get too far in this tutorial. We have a youtube video on this tutorial!
Sometimes it is a bit easier to watch someone perform a task than to follow along with a blog post.
Step by Step
The first thing we need to do is go to the setup of salesforce.
To do that click the gear icon in the top right corner and select setup.
This will take you to the back end of salesforce.
Select object manager and click on the object that you wish to create this new field for.
Once you are on object. Click fields and relationships.
This will take you to a full list of the fields on your selected object.
Then click new to create a new field.
This will take you to a list of field types.
Click phone. Then next.
You will then be asked to enter in the field metadata. This is mostly the naming conventions and any other pertinent information.
Click next. You will then be asked to set the field level security for this new field. This sets the capabilities of each user and what they can enter/edit on the field.
Click next. You will then be asked to select which page layouts you would like this new field to be apart of.
Click save and you have created your very own phone field in salesforce!
A big congrats to you for making it through this tutorial! We hope you found it useful!
Check out the salesforce Emily youtube channel here.
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