text area field

How to Create a Text Area Field

text area field

The Text Area field is one of five total text field options you have when creating a new field in salesforce.

It has more options than a text field however has fewer options than a Text Area long field.

So what can it do?

Well, the Text Area field is able to have letters, numbers, and characters on separate lines up to 255 characters in total.

This is great for when you don’t need a lot of space but could use special characters.

Youtube Video

One more thing to note before we get into the step-by-step tutorial.

We have a youtube video on this topic!

Sometimes it is a bit easier to watch someone do a task than to read and try to follow along with a blog post.

Step by Step

The first thing you will need to do is get to the object manager.

To get there click on the gear in the top right corner and select setup.

Once in setup, you should see the object manager in the navigation menu.

Select object manager.

object manager

From the object manager, select the object you will create the text area field for.

I selected a custom object called new object.

select object

From the object select field and relationships.

fields and relationships

This will bring you to a list of all current fields you have on the selected object.

Select new.

new field

This will bring you to the page to select the field type. Click text area.

text area

Then it will bring you to enter in the metadata.

Once you’ve entered in the necessary information click next.

field meta data

Then you will need to select the field-level security.

Meaning, which profiles have access to this field and their level of customization for the field.

From there select next.

Then add this to any and all page layouts you wish for this field to be a part of.

Click save and you have created your very own text area field!


A big congrats to you for making it through this tutorial! We hope you found it useful!

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