URL field

How to Create a URL field for websites in Salesforce

URL field

The URL field in salesforce is a really powerful field type.

This field type allows you to enter in a website or url into your org and once that has been saved with the correct format, it becomes a link!

In practice, this URL field is a really great tool to use on opportunities, leads, cases, accounts, etc. to link to the client’s website.

This could also be used on the contact page to link back to a client’s LinkedIn page!

A great way to save time searching and keep everything connected!

Youtube Video

One thing I do want to note before we get too far is that we have a video on how to create this field on our youtube channel

Sometimes it is a bit easier to watch someone do something than to try and follow a series of blogs and pictures.

Step By Step Tutorial

The first step is to get to the object manager.

To get there you’ll need to go to set up. Click the gear icon in the top right and select set up.

Then in the navigation bar select object manager.

object manager

While in the object manager, select the object you wish to create the URL field for.

In this example, I have selected lead as the object.

Select object

From the object go to the fields & relationships section.

This will show us the list of current fields on the selected object.

fields and relationships

From here, go to the top right corner and select new.

new field

Then you will be asked to select the field type. Select URL.

The field type allows us to have certain formatting structures pertinent to the type.

For example, the URL allows the website entered to become a link to the website.

url field

Click next, this will take you to the metadata page.

You will enter in the field label and other information pertinent to your field.

Any part that is preceded by a red column is required.

field metadata

Then click next.

You’ll be required to set field-level security for all profiles available.

Click next.

Then you’ll need to select any and all page layouts for your new URL field to be added to.

Click save and you have created your very own URL field!


A big congrats to you for making it through this tutorial! We hope you found it useful!

Check out the salesforce Emily youtube channel here.

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