Text field long

How to Create an Open Text Field in Salesforce

Text field long

The open text field is a great field to use when you need a lot of text to be written!

In practice, many of the text fields I have configured have been open text fields. This allows for many of your users to not be limited in how much information they can put down in a single space.

This field is great for places where you want additional information. Such as, a meeting recap section.

Youtube Video

One thing to note before moving on to the tutorial, we have a youtube video on how to create an open text field in salesforce!

Sometimes it can be easier to watch someone perform a task than to read a blog and try to follow a long. I will link it below!

Step by Step

First, you will need to get to the setup of salesforce. Go to the top right corner of salesforce and click the gear icon, then salesforce.

Then select object manager.

object manager

From there, select the object that you wish to create a new field.

Select object

Here I selected a custom object called new object.

Select fields & relationships, this will take you to a list of current fields that are on the object you selected.

select fields and relationships

Then select new.

This will take you to choose the field type for your new field.

Select Text Field (long) and click next.

Select data type

This will bring you to enter the metadata. Anything that has a red column next to it is required.

When completed, click next.

meta data

Then you will be prompted to set field-level security. This uses the profiles to allow or disallow certain actions on the field.

Click next.

This will send you to choose the page layouts that this field will be put on.

Select save and you have created your very own open text field in salesforce!


A big congrats to you for making it through this tutorial! We hope you found it useful!

Check out the salesforce Emily youtube channel here.

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