Create a Date field

How to Create a Date Field

Create a Date field

The date field in salesforce is a great field for tracking anything relating to a date.

However, if you are using any type of time in association with this information then this is not your field.

You would want to show a date such as a birthday with this field rather than a day and time for your next meeting.

This field is a standard on many objects, such as the close date on the opportunity object.

Youtube Video

One thing to note before getting too far into this post.

We have a youtube video on how to create a data field.

Sometimes it is easier to watch a video than to read and try to follow along with a blog post.

Step by Step

First, you will need to go to the setup. To do this go to the top right corner and click on the gear.

After that select setup.

Then, click on object manager.

select object manager

This will take you to a list of all the objects in your salesforce org.

Then you will need to select the object you wish to create the new field for.

select object

From there go to fields and relationships.

Then click new.

New field

This will bring you to a list of field types for you to choose from.

Select the date field type and click next.

Date field type

This will bring you to enter the metadata. Anything with a red column next to it is required.

Click next.

date field metadata

From there you will need to set field-level security. This uses the profiles in your salesforce org to allow or disallow certain actions on this new field.

Then click next.

You will add this to any and all page layouts you deem necessary.

Click save and you have created your very own date field!


A big congrats to you for making it through this tutorial! We hope you found it useful!

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