How to pass the Salesforce App Builder Exam

The app builder exam is a foundational exam given by salesforce. It really transitions you from the administrator role to the developer role or into a position that touches both declarative and developmental changes.

This exam also is foundational for the Application Architect certification track. You can find that certification track here(+technical and system architect certification requirements):

I had posted a blog about my plan for getting the app builder certification. However, I didn’t end up doing everything on that list and I added a few things to the list!

Certification Days

The first thing that I found the most helpful and that I cannot recommend enough are the certification days webinars. These are 5-hour long webinars put on by salesforce to help you understand the concepts that will be on the exam.

Honestly, these are an amazing resource that I have only just found out about! Salesforce offers these courses a few times a year (and they give you a handy dandy coupon code).

The instructor I had was extremely helpful and knowledgeable so if you can make it I highly recommend you do! P.S. This is a free course from salesforce, so seriously why not!

Focus on Force

The next most helpful tool for passing this exam was the focus on force practice exams and I highly recommend using them. Although, there’s a specific way that you should use these exams.

When I was preparing for my admin cert, I made the mistake of memorization of concepts that are on the practice exam. For some parts of salesforce memorization works. However, you should really be looking to understand the concepts.

Specifically understand why you got a question right or wrong and the concepts behind that question. Another thing to note here is the best way to use these exams is to use your overall concept score to guide your study.

So if you get a 0% in the mobile section, you should do a few trailhead modules and look at some documentation on the mobile aspect of salesforce.


Trailhead is the next most helpful tool. Here is a fantastic trailmix full of documentation, badges, and super badges to help you understand these concepts and get hands-on experience.

Another trail mix that I recommend is the advanced administrator mix. There is a huge overlap of material between these two exams. If you are going to sit for one exam then I highly recommend sitting for the other!

This Blog

Going down the list of helpful things is my blog(shameless plug)! One of my main reasons for starting my blog was to use it as a learning tool. I know that if I can explain a concept coherently to someone else, that is when I’ve mastered the concept.

So this blog is someone else. I take the concepts that I am not proficient in and try study all I can on it and reexplain it in a way that makes sense to me and hopefully to other people!


The concept that is behind the blog is the same behind the youtube channel! I want to explain concepts that have been difficult for me in the past and reexplain them in digestible chunks.

PS feel free to drop a sub (here)

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