Tips for Passing Your Salesforce Administrator Certification 201

When you are considering taking your Salesforce administrator certification you generally fall into one of two camps. First, you have no experience working in salesforce, but you know it’s a great career and you want to get started. Or second, you have some work experience in salesforce, but you don’t have the certification and want a way to prove your skills.

If you fall into either of these two groups of experience, welcome! This is for both of you.

Figure out what you don’t know

The first tip is to figure out what you don’t know about salesforce that will be tested on the exam. One thing that I really needed to focus on was the user set-up portion of the admin exam.

This part really tripped me up and once I finally studied what I didn’t know, then I passed (on my third try). So don’t give up!

This tip especially applies if you are retaking the exam. You can look at the sections you did poorly on and study more for it before you retest.

Make a Plan

Shooting for a goal with no plan to get there is like trying to go on a road trip with no map. So try to make a plan that includes different documentation from salesforce, trailhead (doing salesforce administration will help when you are in the test to remember), videos/courses, and practice tests.

Usually, I split my plan into small achievable steps that I can finish in one to two sittings. Like watching a series of videos or doing a trailhead project. This helps to keep me motivated when I accomplish a task.

Pracitce Test

My last tip here is to practice test, practice test, practice test! This really helped me pass my admin exam. I used the focus on force exams, which I highly recommend.

There are two important things to keep in mind when you are taking or looking for a practice exam. The first is to find one that explains why the answer is correct or incorrect. This will help you gain more knowledge about the platform

The second thing to keep in mind is to really understand why you got a question correct or incorrect. Don’t just memorize! Memorization works really well for some topics when you’re being tested, but not salesforce. You must know the platform well.

Bonus! Use your practice test results to change up your plan for studying. If you score poorly on one section. This means you need to study more there. Find some more resources, rewatch videos, or do more trailhead!


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