Top 5 Tips for passing your salesforce exam

Passing a Salesforce exam is a really exciting thing! It can be great for your career and lift you into a new role. There are at least 35 Salesforce certifications and any of them are great to get.

1. Research the Exam

The first tip to pass your exam is to research the exam. You should know what is on the test, format of the test, passing score, and how long you have to take the exam.

The most important of these is knowing generally what is tested on the exam. You can find this information on the exam outline provided by salesforce on their trailhead site.

However, I would look at sources like blogs, Reddit, and even youtube videos to see what people suggest. If they’ve taken the exam, then they’ll be able to suggest to you what you should study the most.

2. Create A Plan

The second set is to create a plan. When I’ve created studying plans, I look to see if anyone has created a plan and posted it on a blog. This is a fantastic way to see what’s generally recommended.

If you happen to be starting from scratch the best place to start is on trailhead. You can find a specific trail of projects, modules, and documentation that is geared towards the exam.

Another great resource are video courses. You can find these on youtube or on udemy. These are great and often go through all of the topics covered on the exam.

Finally, I would suggest finding a practice test, again you can find these on udemy, on blogs, or on focus on force.

3. Schedule The Date

I highly recommend scheduling out your exam for a multitude of reason. After you’ve created your plan, you should schedule the exam. This creates a forcing function so you will be motivated to study for a specific day. It changes your whole outlook on studying

Another reason to schedule it out early, is the availability of exams. It can be really difficult to test with Kryterion under current circumstances and the vast number of people wanting to test.

4. Practice Test

Like I mentioned before, practice tests are crucial. I recommend finding a practice test that gives you an explanation for why you got a question right or wrong.

I recommend taking the focus on force practice exams, when possible. They are currently making practice exams that are on the path of application architect. I recommend these exams the most because they have great explanations and links to documentation.

With the practice exams, if you are taking them over and over understand why you got each question correct or incorrect. This is your best bet to help you pass the exam. Understand what you know and don’t know.

5. Modify Your Plan

Along the same lines of understanding what you know and don’t know, modify the plan you created. Life doesn’t always work out the way we initially plan.

You might find that you know a lot of a certain topic and little of another. Adjust to these findings. Or you haven’t been able to study because of personal reasons and you need to move your testing date out.

These are all great and modifying your plan after getting new information is the best tip I can give to help you pass!

Good luck with your exam!

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