number field salesforce

How to Create a Number Field in Salesforce

number field salesforce

The number field in salesforce is a great tool whenever you are using a to convey aspects of business.

Although try not to use this field when you intend to have a currency or a percent be displayed instead.

Salesforce has different field types for that!

The number field can be used for a variety of reasons. Namely using it to track the number of products the customer needs, how many days the customer’s business is open, or how many years a contact has been at the company.

Youtube Video

One thing to note before we get too far into the post. We have a youtube video on how to create a number field.

Sometimes it is easier to watch someone do a task instead of reading and trying to follow along with a blog post.

Step by Step

First click on the gear icon in the top right corner then click setup.

This takes you to the back end of salesforce. From here go the object manager.

Object manager

At the object manager select the object that you wish to create the new field for.

select object

From there go to fields and relationships.

That should bring up a list of all the current fields on the selected object.

Then click new.

new field

This will bring up a list of field types to choose from.

Select number and click next.

number field

Then you will be prompted to enter the metadata.

Anything in red is required in order to move on.

Once that is completed hit next.

number field metadata

Then you’ll be prompted to set the field-level security. This works with the profiles in salesforce to allow or disallow certain actions on that field.

Click next.

Then select any and all page layouts you wish for this new field to appear on.

Once completed hit save and you have created your very own number field in salesforce!


A big congrats to you for making it through this tutorial! We hope you found it useful!

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