uninstall a package

Uninstall a Package in Salesforce

Uninstalling a package in Salesforce is a crucial process for maintaining the integrity and performance of your Salesforce org.

Whether you’re no longer using a specific package, encountering conflicts with other installed packages, or simply seeking to declutter your org, the uninstallation process is a fundamental skill for Salesforce administrators and developers.

In this guide, we will explore the ins and outs of uninstalling a package in Salesforce. You’ll learn about the considerations and best practices that go into this process, including understanding dependencies, managing data, and handling customizations.

Youtube Video

Before we jump too far into the post I want to mention that there is a corresponding youtube video on the Salesforce Emily youtube channel.

I will embed that here but keep scrolling to get to the good stuff!

Step-by-Step Tutorial

The first thing you’ll need to do is head to setup.

So click on the gear icon then click on “setup”!


Then in the quick find search for packages and click on installed packages.

installed package

Next find the package you wish to uninstall and click uninstall.

uninstall package

This will show you a list of the parts of the package that are being used in your org.

You can choose to save on not save a copy.

delete package

I choose to not save a copy so it will ask again if I would like to permanently uninstall this package.

Click okay.

permanently delete

Then it will take you to the list of packages and underneath uninstalled package you should see the package you requested.

Uninstalling may take some time due to loads of factors. Including the amount of metadata you have in your or, the server status, time of day, etc.

You can check the status under “uninstall status”.

requested uninstalled package

After a few minutes or hours you should see that status change to uninstall complete!

uninstalled package


A big congrats to you for making it through this blog post! We hope you found it useful!

Check out the Salesforce Emily youtube channel here.

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